Well how should I begin the story of the hair cut from hell? Let's start with a positive note. Ben's haircut went perfect. He didn't cry, she let him play with rollers, he sat really still and it looks great. My hair cut not so much. I ask her to cut off 5 inches. SHE CUT OFF 8 INCHES.
I asked her to give me long subtle layers. SHE GAVE ME BIG CHUNKY NASTY LAYERS, UGLY UNBLENDED LAYERS. Dramatic much? Maybe.
I tried to avoid paying the $50 that a hair cut with my Beauty Brands stylists costs so I started going to a smaller salon. My normal competent girl is, unfortunately for my hair, on a mission trip to Africa. In a moment of stupid, unthoughtful decision making I asked if there was someone else there who could take her clients. STUPID STUPID STUPID. I got the new girl. But they didn't tell me that.
When she cut the length off things were okay but when she didn't check to see if the length matched on the left and right something was wrong. When she started cutting layers and the left side was 2 inches LONGER than the right I knew something was very very long. When it took two tries to fix it and more hair kept coming off I about passed out. Then miraculously when she was done it didn't look too bad. But when I got home to fix it and noticed that the layers on the right didn't blend into the length in the back and it looks like I have a Bobb cut on that side that didn't get finished I about passed out.
Now on the bright side I managed to fix it today and put part of it up with bobby pins and no one can tell it's messed up but I know and it bugs me. Now I'm going to have shell out that $50 I was trying to avoid to get it fixed.
So we'll start with the cute pics of Ben cause they might distract you from the pics of me. Well hopefully anyway. So here goes...Ben before... (Please ignore all the random pic sizes....I'm lazy today.)
Notice the strong resemeblance his hair has to a mop

WOAH, when did he get this big?!?
Of course no picture of Ben is allowed with out Evey sneaking in the pic.

I never was able to get a picture taken before so this is a pretty good approximation of my hair before, it was just a couple inches longer. Unfortunately that pic was taken 2 years and about 30 lbs ago. :(

and this is now (this pic kind of masks the layer problem and I couldn't shame myself into taking one that really showed it off)...