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June 29, 2008



I've loved these. Very cool. Even though we know each other so well, we don't see the day-to-day stuff. This was neat.

erin [the vintage pearl]

I think this was so fun, I will have to try it sometime! Loved seeing wha your days were like!

Jody Cook

That was so much fun to read/look at. Ben has grown so much and inherited "the cheeks"! Evey is such a little lady!


That first picture is the reason by the fourth time I was pregnant, i reall couldn't picture having a boy anyways. lol. Both of your kids are adorable though. :)

I finally finished one of those books today- See you in a hundred years. Good story, just easy to put down. Now I get to start Mercy, by Jodi Picoult! That should fly. :) Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend.

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