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July 18, 2008



That is beyond my favourite household idea ever. Two years ago I suddenly decided to time myself while unloading the dishwasher (a task I'd been putting off all day). I went super fast and it literally only took me two minutes. Bit eye opening! It's amazing how much you can get done in fifteen minutes, that's for sure!

Not Just Any Jen

I like the swish ans swipe. This works for me because it only takes a minute or two, and with a newly potty trained little boy, it needs to be done.

I also like setting my timer for 15 minutes and getting stuff done.

I wear shoes, shine my sink, and make beds everyday. And always start the AM with a load of laundry and unloading dishwasher.


Since the timer is my absolute favorite Flylady tip and you already mentioned that one, I guess I'd have to say just the morning and evening routines. When I'm sticking to my basic routines (which I haven't lately) my home is in waayyyy better shape.

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