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July 09, 2008



Okay, I think this is my first visit here and umm...hi? I think I'm smitten. Your taste in books? Fabulous. You yourself? Intelligent, genuine, -and- funny. I mean, seriously...you rock.

No day is quite complete without a freaky stalkerish type comment, is it?

Is it too soon to subscribe to your feed? I've never been sure of the protocol...


i don't know who he is b.c of the makeup but yeah not hot enough for me to be a vamp.


Okay, Kimberly's comment up there is crackin' me up!!! LOL

What I had planned to say before getting sidetracked... ahem:

Glad you got that out of your system! Haven't read the book (I so wish I would read) but I could see how annoying it would be for them to ruin your depictiopn of a character!


yep. i fear he's going to ruin edward for me forever. :(

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