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August 18, 2008



Oh hun...ouchie. That's got to weigh so heavy!


Ugh! And all of this while Chris is away. I don't know how you keep up. You are such a good mom to Ben (and Evey of course!). ((((hugs)))) and good luck with your soul searching.

Renee aka MekhisMom

wow, that is a tough one. I know that you will make the right decision for you and your family.

Chris Cactus

I'm sorry. I hope things improve.


Oh Jen, I am so very sorry you have to go through this (and Ben too).

I know it's a HUGE decision for you and I will be praying that whatever you decide, will work out perfectly for you and Ben.


I'm so sorry about Ben! Poor kiddo. That's a tough call on working or staying home, Jen. It will definitely take a lot of thought. I hope you can figure out an answer.

Not Just Any Jen

Oh my goodness. I am just reading this and I hope to God that he is doing better. Not a great way to start the school year. I am so sorry. I really don't know how you do it.

As far as keeping your job, that is such a tough question. I loved teaching too. IT was my life and then when Allison was born I went back, and also felt proud of my choice to be a working mom.

That year when my husband got cancer and I was pregnant with Miles and in grad school, I missed so many days of work. Allison was a baby and was pretty sick in daycare. It was so hard, and I realized I was doing everything half-ass. I just didn't want to be that kind wife, mom, teacher, student. And I quit. It was one of the hardest decisions I have ever made. I thought I would miss it like crazy. I thought I would feel like like I was doing less with my life, but I really have no regrets.

Not to persuade you either way, but I wanted to share my story and let you know I totally understand. You are not selfish at all.
Huge hugs,

Tara@From Dawn Till Rusk

Crikey, that's a toughie. I think many parents go through this anyway because kids being kids they get ill and fall over and get mystery rashes etc. But when your boy is ill to begin with it can only double the pressure.
You are really lucky to have the support of your mum and a really great doctor - they seem to be good signs that you're OK to stay on as you are.
However, no matter what you will always feel the Mum Guilt. It's just part of who you are now!


Hi - I can't even offer advice, it really is a heart decision. BUT, just to let you know I did the same thing. I taught sped for 8 years and loved it. LOVED my friends. But then I began questioning things too. I would NEVER get the time with my kids back. Through MONTHS of praying my husband and I decided for me to quit. I will NEVER regret that decision. Wesley is 16 now, Jesse is 13, and Chloe is 5. I homeschooled both boys through middle school. I will homeschool Chloe now. I TREASURE the memories I made with my babies and would not trade them for anything. If God wants me to teach sometime in the future I will. But right now I am loving the time with my kiddos!!!

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