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September 24, 2008



Chronicles of Narnia...oh my...so fabulous!

The Time Traveler's Wife though...wow. One of the most well written books I've ever read, but it's disturbing in the extreme and very, very graphic in places.


I'm glad you are feeling better!!
I'm still trying to finish the Twilight series. I'm almost done with #3, and have #4 waiting patiently for me. It's taking me FOREVER to get through them. I started them just after Cannon was born, and I've only come this far. I'm so ashamed....


As I get older (and yes, I am pretty OLD now!!), I find I like to read smaller books...lazy bugger that I am. I haunt the Teen section in the library and choose books that I know that my 14 year old boy (who is a voracious reader) would like. Then I read them too.

A must read in my opinion is called How I Live Now by Meg Rosof.

http://www.bookbrowse.com/reviews/index.cfm?book_number=1475 but the Aussie book cover is different.



This is actually a recommendation, but Water for Elephants was my favortie read over the summer.


i've been hoping to read THE TIME TRAVELER'S WIFE as well.

oh and i second HOW I LIVE NOW. a teensy bit disturbing, but good.

Tara@From Dawn Till Rusk

A Brief History of Time. Just kidding, my reading list will probably be Elephant Welliphant, Leonardo the Terrible Monster and Mr Strong.
I never seem to get time to get into a novel!

kristen - gock's frocks

would love to hear what you think of the time travellers wife - one of my all time favorite reads

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