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October 06, 2008



Ahh, I love generally perfect non-descript days :) Those are the best.
We picked out pumpkins over the weekend....in the pouring rain. Then yesterday, the kids went with grandma and grandpa and came home with a dozen more pumpkins. Our porch overfloweth with pumpkins!

Amy Priddy :||: Priddy Creations

LOL! Sounds like a very busy weekend. How does the yard look? Glad you were able to relax a bit on Sunday.


Leah Lowry

First of all, your are hilarious! I just happen to check your blog, you always have great recipes and I'm always looking for something new. Anyway, I chuckled so hard at your read about your weekend. All because I've been there. Anyway, I live in KC and would LOVE to know the mexican restaurant you found...by accident, becuz my husband and I can't find one we agree on and would love to have help. ;) THANKS! L


You need to write a book, you are so funny and witty and well, I don't know, you tell me, your the author ;)

Just wanted to say that... I have been meaning to tell you for a while now, but kept forgetting :)

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